If you are struggling with your weight and body confidence, check out this wonderful program from Stephenie Farrell. She really understands what it is like. Her program can help you start to repair your relationship with your body.
Tap into the Angelic Realms with Modern Energy EFT, by Susan Browne
First book by author, Michael S. Gross. It’s packed full of inspiring ways to truly practice positive thinking and living—including all the times that it doesn’t feel positive at all.
Here is a very simple map of the path Michael Gross took to living a life filled with joy, purpose, and clarity. It took him from being homeless to becoming a world traveler, from eking out a living to living the life of his choosing, and from having no faith in himself or his future to living in grace and ease, with constant trust that everything really is working out for him. It’s the path that led him to the place where he can say with authenticity, that he won the Spiritual Lottery.
Join the party.
Melanie’s prosperity party that is.
It is a 5 day party to enhance your Receive muscles to allow miracles and magic into your life. Bring in money, connections, all good things.
It is £25 which is about $30.
In this book, we’re going to forget thinking . . . and start thanking. This playful but easy practice has the power to reconnect us with our true nature. When we observe the world from a place of gratitude, when we use our attention to spot beauty and gaze at wonder, we tune in to a frequency of magic. This joy channel is the most powerful on the planet and has the capability to radically change our lives.
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