What if it all goes right?
Access Concsiousness
Prosperity from the Heart
10 Laws to Financial Freedom
Row Row Row Your Boat- Guide for living in the Divine Flow
Hiring the Heavens
Breaking the Cycle Seminar
Are you stuck trying to live your own life but keep doing what others expect of you? Are you living your life based on what is in your heart? Are you afraid to say "no"? Breaking the cycle, what does that mean to you? It could mean anything, from something huge like domestic violence, to deciding not to go to college, just because everyone in your family has done that or becoming a vegan when everyone in your family eats meat. It is your life, you get to choose what it means for you. And it can change day by day, minute by minute , in small ways or big ways.
Crystal Cunningham, Daniel Amis, Kells Barnett Aqui, Ali EL. Sedecah Powell, Angel Swangant
Ben Schwarcz, MFT is a licensed psychotherapist, Transformational Coach, Teacher, and author of the book: Tapping for Joy: Meridian Tapping and Mindfulness for Depression
Forgiveness Teleseminar
Eileen Epperson, Brad Yates, Jane Lattimer, Dayle Deanna Schwartz, Marna Thal, Taylor Tagg, Cecily MacArthur, Mary Hayes Grieco, ,Keith Zaffren, Jennifer Hadley, Paul Mannell.
September 16, 2010
"Clearing the Coflicts of Family Money" Teleclass with Internationally known EFT financial specialist Margaret Lynch and Barbara.
February 6, 2009
Andy Dooley Live In Person- Spiritual Comedy
White Plains, New York
March 14, 2009
Tami Gaines and The Women's Wealth Initiative Preview
Fort Lee, New Jersey
September 26, 2009
Live Your Best Life Seminar
Diane Spizzirro and Jaime Alpert - Success Image Career Counselors
Kathalynn Davis - Dakota System for Successful Wanting Having vs Wanting Special Workshops.
Dr. Robert Flower- The Gilchrist Institute, the Secrets of Achievement
Linda and Patrick West - Life2Dreams teaches the specific tools to manifest what one truly wants to experience life through exercises and activities.
Bryan Golden - Dare to Live Without Limits.
Ellie Walsh - Living the Law of Attraction White Plains, New York
Conducted mastermind group sessions on how to apply the principles of Law of Attraction.
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